Explore Within – Workshop for Parents (PEP)

 31st August 2013 and 1st September 2013 

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An aura of anticipation and excitement prevailed in the campus of Auro Mirra International School.  Grandparents, parents and teachers strolled in to attend a two day workshop in the premises of the school.  The continuous drizzle did little to dampen the spirits of the eager participants.

The workshop commenced with silence and gently warmed up to a discussion led by Ms. Harvinder Kaur the mentor of the workshop, Director for All India Council of Integral Education.  A detailed account of the workshop would run into pages, hence only few of the activities will be mentioned here.

The session on likes and dislikes was an eye opener to all as no one ever gives much thought to whether our likes or dislikes stem from ideas or experience.

A stroll around the campus to find a leaf that attracted each one, the art of capturing it on paper and analysis was yet an other sizzler.

Spontaneous use of gibberish language was a lot of fun and proved to be an effective tool in bringing strangers to co-ordinate together to put up a wonderful show.

The second day saw the enthusiastic participants bringing in all kinds of objects, like excited kids, an assignment given the previous day.  The creative story presentation based on the object brought to surface the latent creativity in each individual.

Likewise, the the blindfold activity, where one was at the mercy of the other partner, for it was a mute activity, made one aware of the hurdles faced by the blind.  A pledge by few of the participants to donate their eyes is just an indication of the profound impact of the experience.

To sum up, the workshop was a journey of discovery into oneself, an attempt that was well begun.  Soon, it was time to bid adieu and the glow of satisfaction on everyone’s face revealed that it was a weekend well spent as each one returned enriched in many ways.

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