Orientation day, 1st June 2013



An atmosphere of excitement and expectation prevailed in anticipation of the
Orientation day. Heavy rains the previous night and a slight drizzle the
next morning lent an aura of mystery to the event.

Rajnikanthji, a devotee and Secretary of Sri Aurobindo Bhavan spoke a few
words which aptly summed up what the school has to offer. Address by
Harvinder didi and the stimulating discussion with the parents, compelled
the parents to think about the basic purpose of education and schooling.
Existing parents shared their experiences with the new parents making them
comfortable and at ease. Then Yamini didi, the Headmistress, briefed the
parents about the aspects of the practical running of the school.

The theme of the child as a plant to be nurtured, a being holding potential
in seed form was made into a living experience as towards the latter parents
were asked plant a sapling – a symbolic experience of the beginning of the
journey. The fact that their kids would nurture the plant with love and
care made them participate with gusto.

Parents went home happy and enthused with some even expressing a wish “I
wish I was a child here!”

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