Teacher’s training session was conducted from 31-08-2020 to 07-09-2020. The modules covered during the training were – The three Principles of Sri Aurobindo, Values and The Integral Project, Story telling, Journal writing and Drama. Harvinder didi conducted the training on The three Principles of Sri Aurobindo which generated a lively interaction among the diyas, each of them came up with a different interpretation of Sri Aurobindo’s principle. Amidst fun and laughter, a lot was learnt and un-learnt.
It was a delight to watch the diyas conduct the rest of the modules. These sessions ignited the ability to think critically which is the most valuable resource for engaging in self-directed learning, therefore empowering oneself towards personal growth. At the end of the session, teachers felt empowered and enlightened to embark on their journey as teachers, to equip themselves to meet the demands of the present day situation.